02: Implementing Behavior with Signal Handlers

02: Implementing Behavior with Signal Handlers

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Components define signal handlers that respond to signals to produce behavior, where “behavior” is a combination of processes and state that yields some desired state.

Your components can implement arbitrary signal handlers, but generally they’ll implement ::ds/start and, if needed, ::ds/stop. The example below has a component that simulates polling an API: the ::ds/start handler creates a “poller” (just a future) that “polls” every 5 seconds in a loop, and the ::ds/stop handler stops the poller:

(ns donut.examples.tutorial.02-signal-handlers-a
   [donut.system :as ds]))

(def APIPollerComponent
  {::ds/start (fn [_]
                (let [poll-data (atom nil)]
                  {:poller    (future (loop [i 0]
                                        (println "polling")
                                        (reset! poll-data i)
                                        (Thread/sleep 5000)
                                        (recur (inc i))))
                   :poll-data poll-data}))
   ::ds/stop  (fn [{:keys [::ds/instance]}]
                (println "stopping")
                (update instance :poller future-cancel))})

(def system
    {:api-poller APIPollerComponent}}})

  ;; evaluate these manually at your REPL
  (def running-system (ds/signal system ::ds/start))
  (ds/signal running-system ::ds/stop)

  ;; alternatively, use these convenience functions:
  (def running-system (ds/start system))
  (ds/stop running-system)

  (::ds/instances running-system))

There are many things going on here that we need to examine:

  • The component’s behavior, using the core Clojure functions future and future-cancel
  • The value returned by signal handlers
  • The way we hold on to the running poller so that we can then stop it

Component behavior

It will help to understand what the component is actually doing. APIPollerComponent has a ::ds/start signal handler, a function with this body:

(let [poll-data (atom nil)]
  {:poller    (future (loop [i 0]
                        (println "polling")
                        (reset! poll-data i)
                        (Thread/sleep 5000)
                        (recur (inc i))))
   :poll-data poll-data})

This does three things:

  1. Creates an atom, poll-data, to store the “results” of an API call
  2. Creates a future that has a loop that calls reset! on the atom (and prints a message) every 5 seconds
  3. Returns a map with the keys :poller and :poll-data

Here’s part of the docstring for future:

Takes a body of expressions and yields a future object that will invoke the body in another thread

The key idea here is that we want our poller to execute in the background on a separate thread. In a real system, you might have many such background processes that are retrieving data or performing computations. In this example, using future is a convenient way to place the work on a separate thread. If you’d like to learn more about futures and concurrent programming, check out The Sacred Art of Concurrent and Parallel Programming.

future returns a future object, and if you call future-cancel on it then you will stop the future’s body from executing. This future / future-cancel combo is an easy, lightweight way to create a background process in your system, and using an atom like poll-data is one way to convey your component’s state to other parts of the system. (In a later chapter you’ll see examples of how components can refer to each other so that one component can make use of the data/objects/results provided by another component.)

Both the future we create and the poll-data atom are returned by the ::ds/start signal handler in the map {:poller ..., :poll-data poll-data}. Let’s look at how that get’s used.

Signal handlers return component instances

When you call (ds/signal system signal-name), the ds/signal function traverses all component definitions in system and calls the signal handler corresponding to signal-name for that component. The signal handler’s return value is the component’s instance and it gets associated back into the system map under the ::ds/instances key. After ds/signal is done calling all signal handlers, it returns an updated system map that includes these component instances:

;; `system` is the original system definition map, and has no instances
(::ds/instances system)
;; =>

;; `running-system` was produced by `(ds/signal system ::ds/start)` and 
;; includes instances
(::ds/instances running-system)
;; =>
  {:poller #<Future@4243c35a: :pending>, :poll-data #<Atom@124804ba: 1>}}}

Notice that the location of a component’s instance in the system map corresponds to the location of a component’s definition. The component definition APIPollerComponent lives in the system map under [::ds/defs :services :api-poller], and its instance lives in the system map under [::ds/instances :services :api-poller].

You can make use of this fact to retrieve or interact with a component’s instance: if the component’s definition is located in the system map under [::ds/defs :web :worker-1], then its instance will be located under [::ds/instances :web :worker-1].

Component organizational structure

This organizational structure is a key aspect of donut.system’s design: a system stores different facets of a component (its definition, its instance, and more) in the same relative location across different maps.

Internally, donut.system’s implementation relies on this structure to manage the way it conveys a component’s instance to its signal handlers. Externally, this organization structure is meant to make it easier for developers like yourself to find information about a component.

For example, there are many reasons why you might want to interact with a component’s instance: you might want to inspect an instance in a running system to debug an issue, you might want to write assertions about the value of an instance in a test, etc. donut.system’s organizational structure (hopefully) makes it obvious how to retrieve the instance you’re interested in.

If you need to get an instance, the library also includes the ds/instance function:

(ds/instance running-system [:services :api-poller])

In addition to being a bit clearer, using the ds/instance function has the advantage that it will throw an exception if the instance you’re looking for isn’t defined. This can help prevent typos.

Accessing instances in signal handlers

Signal handlers are passed one argument, a map. This map includes the key ::ds/instance, whose value is the component’s instance. This is how signal handlers can access their component’s instance, and you can see it in the APIPollerComponent example:

(def APIPollerComponent
  {::ds/start (fn [_]
                (let [poll-data (atom nil)]
                  {:poller    (future (loop [i 0]
                                        (println "polling")
                                        (reset! poll-data i)
                                        (Thread/sleep 5000)
                                        (recur (inc i))))
                   :poll-data poll-data}))
   ::ds/stop  (fn [{:keys [::ds/instance]}]
                (println "stopping")
                (update instance :poller future-cancel))})

The ::ds/stop signal handler at line 14 destructures ::ds/instance from its argument. The instance is this map:

{:poller    the-future-running-the-poller 
 :poll-data the-poll-data-atom}

The signal handler returns (update instance :poller future-cancel) – this returns the instance map, updated so that the poller future is cancelled.

We could have written the signal handler like this:

(fn [{:keys [::ds/instance]}]
  (println "stopping")
  (future-cancel (:poller instance)))

If we did that, then future-cancel’s return value of true would be used as the instance for [:services :api-poller]. That might be fine, but generally it’s more useful to retain as much instance data as possible when applying signal handlers. This way, for example, you can examine the value of poll-data after the system has stopped.

Component configuration

What if you wanted to make your polling interval configurable? Here’s how you might do that:

(def APIPollerComponent
  {::ds/start  (fn [{:keys [::ds/config]}]
                 (let [poll-data (atom nil)]
                   {:poller    (future (loop [i 0]
                                         (println "polling")
                                         (reset! poll-data i)
                                         (Thread/sleep (:interval config))
                                         (recur (inc i))))
                    :poll-data poll-data}))
   ::ds/stop   (fn [{:keys [::ds/instance]}]
                 (println "stopping")
                 (update instance :poller future-cancel))
   ::ds/config {:interval 5000}})

You can include a ::ds/config key in your component definition, as we do on line 17. This gets passed in to signal handlers; the ::ds/start handler destructures ::ds/config from its argument on line 6. Now the sleep interval is no longer hard-coded.

But isn’t it still kind of hard-coded? What if you want to change it?

Modifying configs with core functions

There are a few different ways that you could do this, and they’re all derived from the fact that your system definition is just a big ol’ nested Clojure map. Here’s one way you could do it:

(def running-system
  (ds/signal (assoc-in system [::ds/defs :services :api-poller ::ds/config :interval] 1000)

Here we’ve used assoc-in to produce an updated system map with a new value for the poller’s :interval. Because the interval value is now accessible within the system map (as opposed to living inaccessibly within the body of the future), it can be modified using everyday Clojure functions.

Modifying configs with overrides

Because this is such a common need, there’s a more succinct syntax you can use to override these values:

(def running-system
  (ds/start system
            {[:services :api-poller ::ds/config :interval] 1000}))

ds/start is a helper that sends the ::ds/start signal to a system, and allows you to optionally provide a map of overrides. Each key in the map is a path to a location under ::ds/defs in your system map, and the value is the new value you want at that position. It’s like you’re doing this:

(assoc-in system [::ds/defs :services :api-poller ::ds/config :interval] 1000)

except for every key/value pair found in the overrides map.

You might be wondering if you can override signal handlers, and the answer is yes, you can:

(def running-system
  (ds/start system
            {[:services :api-poller ::ds/start] (fn new-signal-handler [_] ...)}))

This is useful for mocking out components for testing, which we’ll look at more later.

The general capability here is that you can use the overrides map to conveniently express that you want to perform any number of assoc-in calls on ::ds/defs in the system map. One of the main use cases for this is updating component configs, but the underlying mechanism purely operates on maps and is blind to the semantics of what you’re trying to achieve.

ds/system takes overrides, too

You can also produce a new system definition with overrides using the ds/system function:

(def test-system
  (ds/system system
             {[:services :api-poller ::ds/start] (fn new-signal-handler [_] ...)}))

This doesn’t send a signal to the system, it just produces a system map.

That covers it for signal handling! This should be enough to allow you to get you writing components that can start and stop themselves, and who doesn’t want that?? Next, let’s look at how to work with more than one component.


  • Signal handlers return component instances
  • A component’s instance is passed in to its signal handler via the ::ds/instance key
  • You typically use ::ds/start and ::ds/stop signal handlers to start and stop a component
  • You can pass in component configuration with the ::ds/config key
  • You can modify component definitions with regular ol’ core functions or with override syntax

Further reading